10+ Ways illustration can improve your business today
1 - Spice up your blog posts and take them to the next level
A lot of companies will choose from any number of button styles or a plethora of illustrated icons that are available to them in stock format. However if you really want to stand out, be original and add value to your brand some companies choose to hire an illustrator to create bespoke icons and buttons for use on their website and other branded materials.

2 - Display information in interesting ways with infographics
it’s no secret that infographics are a great way to draw in audience engagement and also one of the best ways possible to deliver interesting or even monogamous stats in a visually pleasing way that will keep the reader from getting bored. If you think you have valuable information that isn’t getting the attention it deserves, infographics are a great way to rectify this pain point.

3 - Illustrated versions of your branding or brand characters
Branding and position are hugely important to companies especially in today’s busy marketplace. Why not take advantage of one of the many talented illustrators out there and add a little animation and life to your branding with an illustrated version or even an illustrated character to represent your branding.

4 - Use illustration or mograph instead of photo posts on social accounts
your audience can get weary of seeing the same old promotional posts and advertising on their feed. Illustration allows you to quickly tap into those emotional centres of childhood and evoke emotions photos and other more polished marketing information just can’t reach. Why not improve your social media presence with some well-placed illustrations.

5 - Personalised icons or buttons to fit your brand or help you stand out from the crowd
A lot of companies will choose from any number of button styles or a plethora of illustrated icons that are available to them in stock format. However if you really want to stand out, be original and add value to your brand some companies choose to hire an illustrator to create bespoke icons and buttons for use on their website and other branded materials.

6 - Clever business cards that will stand the test of time
Business cards can be a dime a douzen, they can be completely disposable or as per the business card scene from American Psycho they can really stand out. A great illustration can turn your business card from something mundane and disposable to something worth keeping or pinning to a board on the wall as a shining example of how to do personal branding right. On that point why not have an illustrator create an image of you that encapsulates your personality and add an extra layer of connection to your potential client.

7 - Illustrated digital or print advertisement campaigns
As mentioned earlier, illustration is a great way to connect with your audience on a different level and in advertising it’s no different regardless of digital or printed medium. Some of the biggest brands in the world turn to illustrators to create unique marketing campaigns, for instance the ‘redbull gives you wings’ campaign was a huge success that still runs to this day and that’s all thanks to the unique wonderful illustrations that can be viewed here http://cartoons.redbull.com/uk-en/ – this is a great example of how to use illustration not just for advertising alone but your branding on a whole.

8 - Shareable social media branding and banners
As I’ve said with social media posts your social media presence is no different. This is yet another great way to use some unique art to really stand out in a crowded social marketplace. Your competitors may use something simple that fits in with their brand colours but you’ll have people clicking like a lot quicker, harder and more often with an illustrated touch.

9 - Add personality and fun to your websites about page with illustrated portraits
Companies and individuals alike love an about page on their website. It lets the person visiting your site know who it is they’re thinking about doing business with. Whether you use a real image that rolls over to an illustrated concept or just an outright illustrated portrait you can really add some fun to your site and customer engagement with a well-placed illustration.

10 - Make your book cover or PDF download stand out in a crowded marketplace
A lot of companies are turning to self-publishing and ebooks at the moment in order to spread their brand message and make passive income. It’s a fact that if you were to visit the amazon store and look at the books that sell the best – they all have at least one thing in common. The front cover looks professional, like they used someone with the know-how and skills to make that cover look great. Between illustrators and graphic designers this is a way your book can end up on the best sellers list instead of in a bargain bin. Make a cover that stands the test of time and stands out as a beacon in its niche with a great looking front cover!

11 - Use personalized thankyou notes and gifts to stay memorable
A great way to say thank you to a customer or consumer, or even to show gratitude and build a relationship is to send a thank you note or gift from time to time. An illustrated version of this can come off as warm and friendly rather than cheesy pandering and adds a little personal touch to your brand message. Not to mention if you were to have your top clients illustrated and put on a Christmas card, they’d be sure to remember you come January for going that extra mile and thinking outside the box when it comes to your branding.

11 - Use engaging discounts and coupons to really boost your business potential
Discounts are a great way to launch a new product or increase sales as are coupons but as with all the points mentioned here engagement is key and what gets the word out better than a well-designed illustrated discount or coupon.

12 - Packaging and labels that stand out on shelves or in eCommerce stores
Packaging design and labels can be a huge part of a business if you’re producing a product or selling to a marketplace. Illustrators are a great way to improve and enhance your packaging and labels and tailor your products to the right market. The right illustrator can create you packaging that not online stands out on a shelf but in a busy eCommerce shop. The more interesting the packaging, the prettier it is – the more likely someone is to buy!